Best Healthy Smoothie for Weight Loss | No Milk No Curd No Dairy



Chia seeds

Cashew nuts

1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

1/4 teaspoon crushed black pepper (this helps in the assimilation of the active ingredient in turmeric known as curcumin) so try not to skip black pepper when using turmeric.


1 cup of Water


Soak cashew nut and chia seeds in water for 5 to 10 minutes. Chop pineapple. Into a speed blender add soaked cashew nuts with 1/2 cup of water, blend and make cashew milk (you can use any plant-base milk you prefer) To the cashew nut milk add chopped pineapple, chopped ginger, turmeric powder, freshly crushed black pepper, use any sweetener of your choice, blend for 30 – 40 seconds or until smooth and pour pineapple smoothie over the soaked chia seeds for a filling Fibre-rich and nutrient dense pineapple smoothie for weight loss like this. The chia seeds will help keep you fuller for longer.

Give this recipe a try and let’s know how you like it by leaving a comment in the comment section.

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